What Is The Reason? Fiat Key Cover Is Fast Becoming The Hottest Trend Of 2023?

What Is The Reason? Fiat Key Cover Is Fast Becoming The Hottest Trend Of 2023?

How to Find a Fiat 500 Spare Key

Fiat's classic Fiat 500 has become a cult classic since its relaunched in 2007. The company has now kicked off a new campaign to different powertrains by launching a mild-hybrid version.

The replacement of key fob batteries on a Fiat 500 are simple and cost-effective. The Fiat main dealer will supply the key in about 10 days.


The key fob comes with an electronic chip which communicates with the Fiat immobiliser system. This makes sure that only authorized vehicles can start their cars. If the transponder chip inside the key fob is damaged, it will not be able to link up to the immobiliser unit, and this means that your car won't start.

The good part is that it's attainable to fix a damaged key fob, as long as the chip is not physically damaged. A professional locksmith can help in this regard, and will employ the latest technology from dealers to repair it quickly and efficiently.

It's possible to use an OBD scanner to determine whether your device is communicating with the receiver module. It's a quick and simple process that can provide you with a first indication of the issue. If the OBD scanner indicates that there is no communication between the transmitter and receiver modules, it could be necessary for the fob's transmitter module to be replaced. This is a cost-effective option and should be left to locksmiths.

Dead Coin Battery

The most frequent cause of an unresponsive key fob is a dead battery. It's an easy fix that only takes about 15 minutes. Ensure that the key fob is seen by your vehicle. Press the "Lock" and "Unlock" buttons to see whether they respond.

The key fob may not function at all, or perhaps only occasionally, if it's out of range. This could be a sign of a defective circuit. In this case you'll need to check the manual of the owner for instructions on how to reprogram the key fob.

You can replace the battery by removing the mechanical latch on the back of the fob (see the image below). Then, gently pry the edge of the battery holder away from the switch to take out the old coin-cell battery. Then, put a new # CR2032 3 volt battery into the fob assembly, with the "+" side facing toward the rear cover of the key fob and the "-" side facing downwards towards the rubber buttons.

Water Damage

The key fob is not waterproof, even though it has rubber seals that stop water from entering the electronic chip. The key fob will likely be fine with the splash of rain or water from a wash cycle however, submerging the device in ocean or pool waters is not recommended.

If the key fob is exposed to water and stops functioning it will have to be reprogrammed. Follow the steps in your owner’s manual, or visit an expert locksmith or Fiat dealer.

Another reason that a fob may stop working is that it's out of the range of your car.  G28  fobs usually have a range of around 30 feet, and if they're too far away from your car, it won't be able recognize them. To begin with, try moving closer to your vehicle. If this does not work, you may have to replace the key fob. There are battery replacement instructions for a variety of vehicles on YouTube or in the owner's manual. It is a good idea to think about getting a new key fob if it is starting to look scruffy and damaged.

Faulty Receiver Module

Fiat's more modern models do not require the use of a key to start or open the car. They use an electronic remote control that sends an electronic message to the car to turn the engine off and on. Locksmiths can repair a broken keyfob. You can leave this task to the professionals and save time and money. They can also program the new key for your Fiat.

When you are getting an extra key for your Fiat vehicle, you'll need to provide the locksmith with details about the car over the phone. For instance, you will have to provide the year of production for your car as well as the model's name. This is crucial because the locksmith needs it to ensure that the new key is compatible with the locks in place.

Not all locksmiths can create replacement keys for Fiat automobiles. You must choose one that has a good reputation and has experience in this particular field. You can be sure that the key will work on your vehicle and you won't lose money.

Keys that are not paired

If you have a key fob that stopped functioning, the main cause is the battery is dead. The key fob contains clips made of metal that hold the button cell in place and complete the circuit so when these are worn or loose it can lead to contact problems and not being able to power. Replace the battery by purchasing a new one of the same size, voltage, and specification, or a spare.

If the key fob has been submerged in water, it's essential to dry it before inserting it back into the device. The use of isopropyl alcohol or electronic cleaner is a suitable method to do this. It is also recommended to remove the battery and clean the circuit board, and replace it before replacing.

If you're not able to find a spare key your best option is to call an locksmith. A locksmith who is experienced can reprogram the Fiat transponder key without needing to view the original keys. This is a much faster and cheaper solution instead of waiting for an original Fiat key from Italy to arrive. A professional locksmith will also have all the tools and equipment required to complete a replacement as fast as is possible.